"gelince" ifadesi tarandı:
# İçinde "gelince" ifadesinin geçtiği tüm kelimeleri tara (1:x).

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ج ي ا|CYEجاءCEÙcā'egelincecame14x
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelmişse came 4:43
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelmişse has come 5:6
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği comes 6:61
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e getirdi brought 6:91
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelirse came 6:160
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelirse came 6:160
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince comes 7:34
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelip de came 7:143
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldi came 9:48
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiğinde comes 10:47
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği comes 10:49
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince came 10:80
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelmeli has come 11:12
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği came 11:40
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince came 11:58
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince came 11:66
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e -geldi bring 11:69
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelmiştir has come, 11:76
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince came 11:82
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince came 11:94
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince came 11:101
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e ve getiren brings 12:72
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği arrived 12:96
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiklerinde came 15:61
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği comes 16:61
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince came 17:5
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince came 17:7
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldi """Has come" 17:81
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince comes 17:104
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği comes 18:98
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince comes 23:27
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiyse came 23:44
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği comes 23:99
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldi(ler) came 26:41
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince came 27:36
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e getirirse comes 27:89
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e getirirse comes 27:90
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e getirdiğini has come 28:37
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e getirirse comes 28:84
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e getirirse comes 28:84
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e getirmiştir comes 28:85
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelse comes 29:10
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince comes 33:19
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldi """Has come" 34:49
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği comes 35:45
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e o getirmişti he has brought 37:37
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelmişti he came 37:84
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e getiren(ler) brought 39:33
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği comes 40:78
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelmeli (değil miydi?) come 43:53
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelince came 43:63
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldi have come 47:18
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelmiştir came 54:41
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e gelinceye came 57:14
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiğinde has come 63:11
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği it comes 71:4
ج ي ا|CYE جاء CEÙ cā'e geldiği comes 110:1
ج ي ا|CYEجاءتCEÙTcā'etgelincecame2x
ج ي ا|CYE جاءت CEÙT cā'et gelmiş olsa it comes 6:109
ج ي ا|CYE جاءت CEÙT cā'et getirmişler came 7:43
ج ي ا|CYE جاءت CEÙT cā'et getirmiş had come 7:53
ج ي ا|CYE جاءت CEÙT cā'et geldiler came 11:69
ج ي ا|CYE جاءت CEÙT cā'et gelince came 11:77
ج ي ا|CYE جاءت CEÙT cā'et gelince she came, 27:42
ج ي ا|CYE جاءت CEÙT cā'et geldikleri came 29:31
ج ي ا|CYE جاءت CEÙT cā'et geldi came 29:33
ج ي ا|CYE جاءت CEÙT cā'eti geldiği comes 79:34
ج ي ا|CYE جاءت CEÙT cā'eti geldiği comes 80:33
ج ي ا|CYEجاءتهمCEÙTHMcā'ethumgelincecomes to them1x
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethumu kendilerine geldikten came to them 2:213
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethumu gelmiş olduktan came to them 2:253
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethumu kendilerine geldikken came to them 4:153
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum onlara getirdiler came to them 5:32
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethumu kendilerine geldiği came to them 6:31
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum kendilerine gelirse came to them 6:109
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum onlara geldiği comes to them 6:124
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum gelince comes to them 7:37
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum onlara getirmişlerdi came to them 7:101
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethumu onlara geldiği came to them 7:131
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum gelse comes to them 10:97
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum onlara getirdi Came to them 14:9
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum onlara gelince came to them 27:13
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum onlara getirmişlerdi Came to them 35:25
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum onlara gelince came to them 40:83
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethumu onlara gelmişti came to them 41:14
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethum kendilerine geldikten has come to them 47:18
ج ي ا|CYE جاءتهم CEÙTHM cā'ethumu kendilerine geldi came (to) them 98:4
ج ي ا|CYEجاءهمCEÙHMcā'ehumgelincecame to them1x
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi came to them 2:89
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelince came to them 2:89
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldiyse came to them 2:101
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu geldikten came to them 3:19
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldikten came to them - 3:105
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelse comes to them 4:83
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara getirdiyse came to them 5:70
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine geldi it came to them, 6:5
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine geldiği came to them 6:43
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldiği came to them 7:5
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu onlara gelince came to them 10:76
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine gelinceye came to them 10:93
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi then came to them 12:110
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi came to them 16:113
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldiği came to them 17:94
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum (Musa) onlara geldiği he came to them, 17:101
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldiği has come to them 18:55
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi (mi)? has come to them 23:68
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum o kendilerine getirdi he brought them 23:70
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelse comes to them 26:206
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelince came to them 28:36
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu onlara gelince came to them 28:48
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi came to them 29:39
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelen it came to them, 34:43
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelirse came to them 35:42
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum gelince came to them 35:42
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelmesine has come to them 38:4
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelince he brought to them 40:25
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelen it comes to them. 41:41
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldikten came to them 42:14
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine gelinceye came to them 43:29
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu onlara gelince came to them 43:30
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara gelince he came to them 43:47
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelmişti had come to them 44:13
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehumu kendilerine geldikten came to them 45:17
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelen it comes to them, 46:7
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum gelmesine has come to them 50:2
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelince it came (to) them, 50:5
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum kendilerine gelmiştir has come to them 53:23
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldi has come to them 54:4
ج ي ا|CYE جاءهم CEÙHM cā'ehum onlara geldiği he came to them 61:6
|فأماFÊMEfeemmāgelinceSo as for4x
| فأما FÊME feemmā gerçekten Then as for 2:26
| فأما FÊME feemmā olanlar Then as for 3:7
| فأما FÊME feemmā gelince Then as for 3:56
| فأما FÊME feemmā o zaman As for 3:106
| فأما FÊME feemmā gelince Then as for 4:173
| فأما FÊME feemmā gelince So as for 4:175
| فأما FÊME feemmā fakat As for 9:124
| فأما FÊME feemmā As for 11:106
| فأما FÊME feemmā ne zaman ki Then as for 13:17
| فأما FÊME feemmā ama But as for 28:67
| فأما FÊME feemmā ancak Then as for 30:15
| فأما FÊME feemmā fakat Then as for 41:15
| فأما FÊME feemmā gelince Then as for 45:30
| فأما FÊME feemmā ama Then 56:88
| فأما FÊME feemmā bu yüzden So as for 69:5
| فأما FÊME feemmā o zaman Then as for 69:19
| فأما FÊME feemmā artık Then as for 79:37
| فأما FÊME feemmā ama Then as for 84:7
| فأما FÊME fe emmā fakat And as for 89:15
| فأما FÊME feemmā ama Then as for 92:5
| فأما FÊME feemmā öyleyse So as for 93:9
| فأما FÊME feemmā ama Then as for 101:6
|وأماVÊMEve emmāgelinceAnd as for4x
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ve ise And as for 2:26
| وأما VÊME ve emmā gelince And as for 3:57
| وأما VÊME veemmā ise But as for 3:107
| وأما VÊME ve emmā gelince And as for 4:173
| وأما VÊME veemmā fakat gelince But as for 9:125
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ve And as for 11:108
| وأما VÊME ve emmā and as for 12:41
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ve and as for 13:17
| وأما VÊME ve emmā gelince And as for 18:80
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ise And as for 18:82
| وأما VÊME veemmā ise But as for 18:88
| وأما VÊME veemmā fakat But as for 30:16
| وأما VÊME veemmā ve fakat But as for 32:20
| وأما VÊME ve emmā gelince And as for 41:17
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama gelince But as for 45:31
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama And 56:90
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama But 56:92
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ve And as for 69:6
| وأما VÊME veemmā o zaman But as for 69:25
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ise And as for 72:15
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama But as for 79:40
| وأما VÊME veemmā fakat But as for 80:8
| وأما VÊME veemmā ve fakat But as for 84:10
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama But 89:16
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama But as for 92:8
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ve sakın And as for 93:10
| وأما VÊME veemmā ve But as for 93:11
| وأما VÊME veemmā ve fakat But as for 101:8
|والذينVELZ̃YNvelleƶīnegelinceAnd those who1x
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve Kimseler / olanlar And those who 2:4
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 2:9
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne "ve o ki;" and those 2:21
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those 2:39
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne and those who 2:62
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 2:82
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne (kimseler) And those who 2:165
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerle And those who 2:212
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 2:214
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 2:218
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselerin And those who 2:234
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 2:240
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 2:249
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselerin And those who 2:257
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin and those who 3:11
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerdir and those who 3:68
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar And those 3:135
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselere And those whom 4:33
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne bunlar And those who 4:38
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseleri And those who 4:57
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those 4:76
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseleri And those who 4:122
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki And those who 4:152
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 5:10
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve -kimseler and those who 5:55
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 5:56
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 5:69
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseleri and those who 5:82
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 5:86
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 6:39
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere And those who 6:49
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 6:92
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those (to) whom 6:114
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin and those who 6:150
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler But those who 7:36
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 7:42
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne o kimseleri and those who 7:64
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve olanları and those 7:72
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri And those who 7:88
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin And those who 7:147
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne onlar ki And those who 7:153
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselere and those who 7:156
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve -kimseler/olanlar And those who 7:170
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseleri But those who 7:182
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise And those whom 7:197
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 8:36
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who - 8:49
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin and those who 8:52
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin and those who 8:54
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki and those who 8:72
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 8:72
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 8:73
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne onlar ki And those who 8:74
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki and those who 8:74
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki And those who 8:75
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 9:34
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselere And those who 9:61
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 9:79
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 9:88
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 9:100
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 9:107
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler için and those who 9:113
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kiimselere But those who 10:4
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve olanlar and those - 10:7
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere gelince And those who 10:27
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 10:103
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 11:58
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 11:66
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri and those who 11:94
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise And those whom 13:14
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler ise And for those who 13:18
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve -kimseler And those who 13:21
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar And those who 13:22
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 13:25
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those (to) whom 13:36
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin and those who 14:9
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those whom 16:20
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 16:41
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselere and those who 16:100
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerle and those who 16:128
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 22:17
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 22:17
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne -a gelince And those who 22:51
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 22:57
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 22:58
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve Those who 23:3
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve Those who 23:4
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 23:5
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 23:8
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 23:9
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki And those 23:58
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki And those 23:59
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar ki And those who 23:60
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 24:4
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 24:6
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerle And those who 24:33
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 24:39
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve olanlar and those who 24:58
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 25:64
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 25:65
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who, 25:67
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar And those who 25:68
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne onlar And those who 25:72
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar And those who, 25:73
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve onlar And those who 25:74
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 29:7
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri And those who 29:9
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 29:23
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 29:52
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri And those who 29:58
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseleri And those who 29:69
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve bulunanlar and those 33:12
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 33:58
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve and those who 33:60
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise But those who 34:5
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those who 34:38
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise and those 35:7
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne (gelince) But those who 35:10
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne And those whom 35:13
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 35:36
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 39:3
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 39:9
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere And those who 39:17
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere And those who 39:51
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 39:63
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise while those (whom) 40:20
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve and those 40:31
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselere and those who 40:51
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler and those who 40:58
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne gelince And those who 41:44
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseleri And those who 42:6
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin And those who 42:16
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise and those who 42:18
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne fakat And those who 42:22
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 42:37
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 42:38
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve o kimseler And those who, 42:39
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve and those 44:37
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 45:11
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 46:3
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimselerin And those who 47:2
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselerin And those who 47:4
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere ise But those who 47:8
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler ise but those who 47:12
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimselere gelince And those who 47:17
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve bulunanlar and those who 48:29
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 52:21
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 57:19
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 57:19
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 58:3
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kendilerine and those who 58:11
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler And those who 59:9
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne kimseler And those who 59:10
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve bulunanlarda and those 60:4
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 64:10
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve olanları and those who 66:8
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:24
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:26
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:27
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:29
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:32
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve And those who 70:33
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve -kimseler And those who, 70:34
| والذين VELZ̃YN velleƶīne ve kimseler But those who 90:19
ا ت ي|ETYيأتYÊTye'tigelince(it) comes1x
ا ت ي|ETY يأت YÊT ye'ti getirir will bring 2:148
ا ت ي|ETY يأت YÊT ye'ti getirir will bring 3:161
ا ت ي|ETY يأت YÊT ye'ti gelince (it) comes 11:105
ا ت ي|ETY يأت YÊT ye'ti başlasın he will regain sight. 12:93
ا ت ي|ETY يأت YÊT ye'ti getirmez he comes 16:76
ا ت ي|ETY يأت YÊT ye'ti gelirse comes 20:74
ا ت ي|ETY يأت YÊT ye'ti gelmeyen (had) come 23:68
ا ت ي|ETY يأت YÊT ye'ti mutlaka getirir Allah will bring it forth. 31:16
ا ت ي|ETY يأت YÊT ye'ti gelseler (should) come 33:20
ا ت ي|ETY يأت YÊT ye'ti yaparsa commits 33:30

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