Herhangi bir yerinde "̃EB" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BأفبعذابناÊFBAZ̃EBNEefebiǎƶābinābizim azabımızı mı?So is it for Our punishment2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B أفبعذابنا ÊFBAZ̃EBNE efebiǎƶābinā bizim azabımızı mı? So is it for Our punishment 26:204
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B أفبعذابنا ÊFBAZ̃EBNE efebiǎƶābinā bizim azabımızı mı? Then is (it) for Our punishment 37:176
ث ب ت|S̃BTالثابتELS̃EBTṧ-ṧābitisağlamwith the firm word1x
ث ب ت|S̃BT الثابت ELS̃EBT ṧ-ṧābiti sağlam with the firm word 14:27
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BالعذابELAZ̃EBl-ǎƶābiazab"punishment."""85x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın torment, 2:49
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın punishment? 2:85
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 2:86
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- the punishment 2:96
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 2:162
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 2:165
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabı (in) [the] punishment. 2:165
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment, 2:166
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 3:88
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 3:106
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- "the punishment;" 3:188
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi yapılan işkencenin the punishment. 4:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment. 4:56
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab the punishment 5:80
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 6:30
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 6:49
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın punishment 6:157
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 7:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın (of) torment, 7:141
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın [the] punishment. 7:167
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 8:35
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment. 10:54
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 10:70
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment - 10:88
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment - 10:97
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 11:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment. 11:20
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi işkencenin torment 14:6
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azabın the punishment, 14:44
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu bir azabdır (is) the punishment 15:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 16:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azabın the punishment 16:45
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment, 16:85
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azaplarının punishment 16:88
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 16:113
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azabın the punishment 18:55
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabını the punishment. 18:58
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 19:75
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabı the punishment 19:79
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabın the punishment 20:48
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment. 22:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 24:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment, 25:42
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 25:69
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment. 26:158
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 26:201
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab [the] punishment 27:5
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment. 28:64
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment. 29:53
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 29:55
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın the punishment 30:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- the punishment 32:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabdan the punishment 32:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 33:30
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- punishment 33:68
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab the punishment 34:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab the punishment 34:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment. 34:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın the punishment 34:38
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabda the punishment 37:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabı the punishment 37:38
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab (of) the punishment? 39:19
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabdan punishment 39:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 39:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- (of) the punishment 39:47
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab "the punishment;" 39:54
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment 39:55
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment, 39:58
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab (of) punishment 39:71
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın punishment, 40:45
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabın "punishment.""" 40:46
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabı "the punishment.""" 40:49
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab (of) the punishment 41:17
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 42:44
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabda the punishment 43:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 43:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı "the punishment;" 44:12
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azabı the punishment 44:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi azab- the punishment 44:30
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabı the punishment 46:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābi bir azaba the punishment 50:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabdan the punishment 51:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab the punishment. 57:13
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābu azab (is) the punishment. 68:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B العذاب ELAZ̃EB l-ǎƶābe azabla (with) the punishment 88:24
ك ذ ب|KZ̃BالكذابELKZ̃EBl-keƶƶābuyalancı(is) the liar,1x
ك ذ ب|KZ̃B الكذاب ELKZ̃EB l-keƶƶābu yalancı (is) the liar, 54:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BبالعذابBELAZ̃EBbil-ǎƶābiazab ilethe punishment.6x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azabı the punishment. 22:47
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azab ile with the punishment, 23:64
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azab ile with the punishment 23:76
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azabı [with] the punishment. 29:53
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azabı the punishment. 29:54
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بالعذاب BELAZ̃EB bil-ǎƶābi azab(lar) ile with the punishment 43:48
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BبعذابBAZ̃EBbiǎƶābinazabı(of) a punishment13x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azabı of a punishment 3:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab ile with a punishment 7:165
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab a punishment 8:32
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azabı of a punishment 9:3
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azabı of a punishment 9:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab with a punishment 9:52
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab ile with a punishment. 20:61
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab ile with a punishment 20:134
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābi azabını (the) punishment 29:29
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azabı of a punishment 31:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azab ile (of) a punishment 45:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin azabı about a punishment 70:1
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذاب BAZ̃EB biǎƶābin bir azabı of a punishment 84:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BبعذابكمBAZ̃EBKMbiǎƶābikumsize azabetmeyiby punishing you1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B بعذابكم BAZ̃EBKM biǎƶābikum size azabetmeyi by punishing you 4:147
ث ب ت|S̃BTثابتS̃EBTṧābitunsabit(is) firm1x
ث ب ت|S̃BT ثابت S̃EBT ṧābitun sabit (is) firm 14:24
د ب ب|D̃BBدابةD̃EBTdābbetinbir Dabbe (canlı)(the) creatures.14x
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlıyı moving creature, 2:164
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin yürüyen hayvan any animal 6:38
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlı moving creature 11:6
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlı of a moving creature 11:56
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlılardan moving creatures 16:49
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlı moving creature, 16:61
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlıyı moving creature 24:45
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbeten bir Dabbe (canlı) a creature 27:82
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlı(lar)- a creature 29:60
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlıyı creature. 31:10
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetu bir kurdundan a creature 34:14
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlı creature. 35:45
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlılar- (the) creatures. 42:29
د ب ب|D̃BB دابة D̃EBT dābbetin canlılar- (the) moving creatures 45:4
د ب ر|D̃BRدابرD̃EBRdābiruardı(the) remnant4x
د ب ر|D̃BR دابر D̃EBR dābiru ardı (the) remnant 6:45
د ب ر|D̃BR دابر D̃EBR dābira kökünü the roots 7:72
د ب ر|D̃BR دابر D̃EBR dābira ardını (the) roots 8:7
د ب ر|D̃BR دابر D̃EBR dābira arkaları (the) root 15:66
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذابAZ̃EBǎƶābunazab(from the) punishment150x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 2:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 2:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab vardır (is) a punishment 2:90
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 2:104
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azap (is) a punishment 2:114
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabına (the) punishment 2:126
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 2:174
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 2:178
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (from the) punishment 2:201
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:4
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (from) punishment 3:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:77
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:91
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:105
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:176
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:177
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 3:178
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 3:181
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is a) punishment 3:188
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (from the) punishment 3:191
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 4:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 5:33
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabına karşılık (the) punishment 5:36
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 5:36
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 5:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 5:41
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 5:73
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 5:94
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından punishment 6:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı punishment 6:40
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı punishment 6:47
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabıyla (with) punishment, 6:93
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabın(ın inmesin)den punishment 7:59
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 7:73
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (is the) punishment 8:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 8:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 8:68
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 9:61
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 9:68
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 9:79
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 9:90
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azaba a punishment 9:101
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 10:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı punishment 10:52
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 10:98
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 11:3
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 11:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azabın a punishment 11:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azabın a punishment 11:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azap a punishment 11:48
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azaptan a punishment 11:58
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azap a punishment 11:64
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azap a punishment 11:76
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından punishment 11:84
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azabın a punishment 11:93
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 11:103
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azaptan a punishment 12:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabından punishment 12:107
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azab (is) a punishment 13:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azabdan the punishment 14:2
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 14:17
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 14:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 14:22
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 16:63
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 16:94
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 16:104
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 16:106
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 16:117
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (the) punishment 17:57
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 19:45
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 21:46
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (the) punishment 22:2
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabına (the) punishment 22:4
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 22:9
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 22:22
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azab- a punishment 22:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (the) punishment 22:55
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (will be) a punishment 22:57
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azab of a punishment 23:77
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (vardır) (is) a punishment 24:11
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 24:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 24:19
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 24:23
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azabın a punishment 24:63
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını the punishment 25:65
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 26:135
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (the) punishment 26:156
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (the) punishment 26:189
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (the) punishment 26:189
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 29:23
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 31:6
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabına (the) punishment 31:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azaba a punishment 31:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (the) punishment 32:14
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 32:20
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 34:5
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı (the) punishment 34:12
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 34:42
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azabın a punishment 34:46
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (will be) a punishment 35:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 35:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 36:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 37:9
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabımı My punishment. 38:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 38:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 39:13
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azab a punishment 39:40
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azab a punishment 39:40
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (the) punishment 40:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabını (the) punishment 41:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azab- a punishment 41:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 42:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is a) punishment 42:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (will be) a punishment 42:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 42:42
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin bir azab a punishment 42:45
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 43:65
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabında (the) punishment 43:74
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azabdır (will be) a punishment 44:11
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 44:48
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (from the) punishment 44:56
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 45:9
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 45:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 45:11
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe bir azab ile (with) a punishment 46:20
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabına uğramanızdan a punishment 46:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun azab (is) a punishment 46:24
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azab- a punishment 46:31
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı (the) punishment 52:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabından (from the) punishment 52:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabdan (from the) punishment 52:27
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 54:38
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 57:20
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 58:4
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 58:5
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 58:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (is) a punishment 59:3
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 59:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azab- a punishment 61:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab (is) a punishment 64:5
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabı punishment 67:5
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (is the) punishment 67:6
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azab- a punishment 67:28
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 70:11
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābi azabı- (the) punishment 70:27
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābe azabına (the) punishment 70:28
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābun bir azab a punishment 71:1
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (is the) punishment 85:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābu azabı (is the) punishment 85:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذاب AZ̃EB ǎƶābin azab (of) punishment. 89:13
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذاباAZ̃EBEǎƶāben-azabı(in) punishment38x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azapla (with) a punishment 3:56
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 4:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 4:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 4:93
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben -azabı a punishment 4:102
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azabın (is) a punishment 4:138
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 4:151
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 4:161
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 4:173
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 5:115
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab punishment 6:65
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azab punishment, 7:38
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 7:164
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a painful punishment, 9:39
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 9:74
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azabı (in) punishment 16:88
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 17:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azap ile with a punishment 17:58
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 18:87
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azabı (in) punishment 20:71
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 25:19
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 25:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 27:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 33:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 33:57
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azabını a punishment 38:61
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 41:27
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azapla (with) a punishment 48:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azaba (with) a punishment 48:17
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azabla (with) a punishment 48:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab (is) a punishment 52:47
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 58:15
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azabla a punishment 65:8
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 65:10
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azaba a punishment 72:17
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab a punishment 76:31
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben azabdan (in) punishment. 78:30
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابا AZ̃EBE ǎƶāben bir azab ile (of) a punishment 78:40
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذابهAZ̃EBHǎƶābuhuazabından(as) His punishment3x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابه AZ̃EBH ǎƶābuhu O'nun azabı His punishment 10:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابه AZ̃EBH ǎƶābehu azabından His punishment. 17:57
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابه AZ̃EBH ǎƶābehu O'nun yapacağı azabı (as) His punishment 89:25
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذابهاAZ̃EBHEǎƶābehāonun azabıits punishment2x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابها AZ̃EBHE ǎƶābehā onun azabı its punishment 25:65
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابها AZ̃EBHE ǎƶābihā onun azabı its torment. 35:36
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذابهماAZ̃EBHMEǎƶābehumāonlara yapılan azabatheir punishment1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابهما AZ̃EBHME ǎƶābehumā onlara yapılan azaba their punishment 24:2
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BعذابيAZ̃EBYǎƶābīazabım"""My punishment -"9x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabıma """My punishment -" 7:156
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabım My punishment 14:7
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī benim azabım My punishment, 15:50
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī benim azabım My punishment 54:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabım My punishment 54:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī benim azabım My punishment 54:21
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabım My punishment 54:30
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabımı My punishment 54:37
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B عذابي AZ̃EBY ǎƶābī azabımı My punishment 54:39
ث و ب|S̃VBفأثابكمFÊS̃EBKMfeeṧābekumbundan dolayı size verdiSo (He) repaid you1x
ث و ب|S̃VB فأثابكم FÊS̃EBKM feeṧābekum bundan dolayı size verdi So (He) repaid you 3:153
ث و ب|S̃VBفأثابهمFÊS̃EBHMfeeṧābehumuonlara verdiSo rewarded them1x
ث و ب|S̃VB فأثابهم FÊS̃EBHM feeṧābehumu onlara verdi So rewarded them 5:85
ك ذ ب|KZ̃BكذابKZ̃EBkeƶƶābunyalancı"a liar."""4x
ك ذ ب|KZ̃B كذاب KZ̃EB keƶƶābun yalancı a liar. 38:4
ك ذ ب|KZ̃B كذاب KZ̃EB keƶƶābun yalancı "a liar.""" 40:24
ك ذ ب|KZ̃B كذاب KZ̃EB keƶƶābun yalancı a liar. 40:28
ك ذ ب|KZ̃B كذاب KZ̃EB keƶƶābun yalancıdır (is) a liar 54:25
ك ذ ب|KZ̃BكذاباKZ̃EBEkiƶƶābentekzib ile(with) denial.2x
ك ذ ب|KZ̃B كذابا KZ̃EBE kiƶƶāben tekzib ile (with) denial. 78:28
ك ذ ب|KZ̃B كذابا KZ̃EBE kiƶƶāben yalan any falsehood, 78:35
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BكعذابKAZ̃EBkeǎƶābiazabı gibias (the) punishment1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B كعذاب KAZ̃EB keǎƶābi azabı gibi as (the) punishment 29:10
ث و ب|S̃VBمثابةMS̃EBTmeṧābetentoplanma yeria place of return1x
ث و ب|S̃VB مثابة MS̃EBT meṧābeten toplanma yeri a place of return 2:125
ث و ب|S̃VBوأثابهمVÊS̃EBHMve eṧābehumve onlara verdiand rewarded them1x
ث و ب|S̃VB وأثابهم VÊS̃EBHM ve eṧābehum ve onlara verdi and rewarded them 48:18
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BوالعذابVELAZ̃EBvel'ǎƶābeve azaband [the] punishment1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B والعذاب VELAZ̃EB vel'ǎƶābe ve azab and [the] punishment 2:175
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BوعذابVAZ̃EBve ǎƶābunve azab"and suffering."""4x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذاب VAZ̃EB ve ǎƶābun ve bir azab and a punishment 6:70
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذاب VAZ̃EB ve ǎƶābun ve bir azab and a punishment 6:124
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذاب VAZ̃EB ve ǎƶābun ve bir azap and a punishment 10:4
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذاب VAZ̃EB ve ǎƶābin ve azab "and suffering.""" 38:41
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BوعذاباVAZ̃EBEve ǎƶābenve bir azaband a punishment1x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B وعذابا VAZ̃EBE ve ǎƶāben ve bir azab and a punishment 73:13
ع ذ ب|AZ̃BولعذابVLAZ̃EBveleǎƶābuazabı iseand certainly (the) punishment5x
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ولعذاب VLAZ̃EB veleǎƶābu ve azabı ise and surely the punishment 13:34
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ولعذاب VLAZ̃EB veleǎƶābu ve elbette azabı And surely (the) punishment 20:127
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ولعذاب VLAZ̃EB veleǎƶābu azabı ise and certainly (the) punishment 39:26
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ولعذاب VLAZ̃EB veleǎƶābu azabı ise And surely, (the) punishment 41:16
ع ذ ب|AZ̃B ولعذاب VLAZ̃EB veleǎƶābu ve azabı ise And surely the punishment 68:33

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