Herhangi bir yerinde "CB" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ع ج ب|ACBأتعجبينÊTACBYNeteǎ'cebīneşaşıyor musun?"""Are you amazed"1x
ع ج ب|ACB أتعجبين ÊTACBYN eteǎ'cebīne şaşıyor musun? """Are you amazed" 11:73
ج و ب|CVBأجبتمÊCBTMucibtumcevap verdiniz"was (the) response you received?"""2x
ج و ب|CVB أجبتم ÊCBTM ucibtum size cevap verildi "was (the) response you received?""" 5:109
ج و ب|CVB أجبتم ÊCBTM ecebtumu cevap verdiniz did you answer 28:65
ج و ب|CVBأستجبÊSTCBestecibkabul edeyimI will respond1x
ج و ب|CVB أستجب ÊSTCB estecib kabul edeyim I will respond 40:60
ع ج ب|ACBأعجبÊACBeǎ'cebehoşuna gidenpleases1x
ع ج ب|ACB أعجب ÊACB eǎ'cebe hoşuna giden pleases 57:20
ع ج ب|ACBأعجبتكمÊACBTKMeǎ'cebetkumhoşunuza gitse bilepleased you2x
ع ج ب|ACB أعجبتكم ÊACBTKM eǎ'cebetkum hoşunuza gitse bile she pleases you. 2:221
ع ج ب|ACB أعجبتكم ÊACBTKM eǎ'cebetkum sizi böbürlendirmişti pleased you 9:25
ع ج ب|ACBأعجبكÊACBKeǎ'cebekeçok hoşuna gitse deimpresses you2x
ع ج ب|ACB أعجبك ÊACBK eǎ'cebeke hoşuna gitse de impresses you 5:100
ع ج ب|ACB أعجبك ÊACBK eǎ'cebeke çok hoşuna gitse de pleases you 33:52
ع ج ب|ACBأعجبكمÊACBKMeǎ'cebekumhoşunuza gitse bilehe pleases you.1x
ع ج ب|ACB أعجبكم ÊACBKM eǎ'cebekum hoşunuza gitse bile he pleases you. 2:221
ع ج ب|ACBأوعجبتمÊVACBTMeveǎcibtumşaştınız mı?Do you wonder2x
ع ج ب|ACB أوعجبتم ÊVACBTM eveǎcibtum şaştınız mı? Do you wonder 7:63
ع ج ب|ACB أوعجبتم ÊVACBTM eveǎcibtum şaştınız mı? Do you wonder 7:69
ج ب ب|CBBالجبELCBl-cubbikuyunun(of) the well,2x
ج ب ب|CBB الجب ELCB l-cubbi kuyunun (of) the well, 12:10
ج ب ب|CBB الجب ELCB l-cubbi kuyunun (of) the well. 12:15
ج ب ر|CBRالجبارELCBERl-cebbāruCebbâr'dır (istediğini zorla yaptıran)the Irresistible,1x
ج ب ر|CBR الجبار ELCBER l-cebbāru Cebbâr'dır (istediğini zorla yaptıran) the Irresistible, 59:23
ج ب ل|CBLالجبالELCBELl-cibāledağlarthe mountain24x
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāle dağlarını the mountains 7:74
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağların the mountains, 13:31
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağları the mountains. 14:46
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāli dağlardan the mountains, 15:82
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāli dağlardan the mountains, 16:68
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāli dağlarda the mountains, 16:81
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāle dağlara the mountains 17:37
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāle dağları the mountains 18:47
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağlar the mountain 19:90
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāli dağlar- the mountains, 20:105
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāle dağları the mountains 21:79
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāli dağlar- the mountains, 26:149
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāle dağları the mountains, 27:88
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāli dağlardan the mountains 35:27
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāle dağları the mountains 38:18
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağlar the mountains 52:10
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağlar the mountains 56:5
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağlar the mountains 70:9
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağlar the mountains 73:14
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağlar the mountains 77:10
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağlar the mountains 78:20
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağlar the mountains 81:3
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibāli dağlara the mountains, 88:19
ج ب ل|CBL الجبال ELCBEL l-cibālu dağlar the mountains 101:5
ج ب ل|CBLالجبلELCBLl-cebelidağathe mountain2x
ج ب ل|CBL الجبل ELCBL l-cebeli dağa the mountain 7:143
ج ب ل|CBL الجبل ELCBL l-cebele dağı the mountain 7:171
ج ب ت|CBTبالجبتBELCBTbil-cibticibt'ein the superstition1x
ج ب ت|CBT بالجبت BELCBT bil-cibti cibt'e in the superstition 4:51
ج ب ر|CBRبجبارBCBERbicebbārinbir zorlayıcıthe one to compel.1x
ج ب ر|CBR بجبار BCBER bicebbārin bir zorlayıcı the one to compel. 50:45
ع ج ب|ACBتعجبTACBteǎ'cebşaşacaksanyou (are) astonished,1x
ع ج ب|ACB تعجب TACB teǎ'ceb şaşacaksan you (are) astonished, 13:5
ع ج ب|ACBتعجبكTACBKtuǎ'cibkehoşuna giderimpress you3x
ع ج ب|ACB تعجبك TACBK tuǎ'cibke seni imrendirmesin impress you 9:55
ع ج ب|ACB تعجبك TACBK tuǎ'cibke seni imrendirmesin impress you 9:85
ع ج ب|ACB تعجبك TACBK tuǎ'cibuke hoşuna gider pleases you 63:4
ع ج ب|ACBتعجبونTACBVNteǎ'cebūneşaşıyorsunuzyou wonder?1x
ع ج ب|ACB تعجبون TACBVN teǎ'cebūne şaşıyorsunuz you wonder? 53:59
ج ب ر|CBRجبارCBERcebbārinzorba"tyrant."""3x
ج ب ر|CBR جبار CBER cebbārin zorbanın tyrant 11:59
ج ب ر|CBR جبار CBER cebbārin zorba tyrant 14:15
ج ب ر|CBR جبار CBER cebbārin zorbanın "tyrant.""" 40:35
ج ب ر|CBRجباراCBEREcebbāranbaş kaldırana tyrant3x
ج ب ر|CBR جبارا CBERE cebbāran baş kaldıran a tyrant 19:14
ج ب ر|CBR جبارا CBERE cebbāran bir zorba insolent, 19:32
ج ب ر|CBR جبارا CBERE cebbāran bir zorba a tyrant 28:19
ج ب ر|CBRجبارينCBERYNcebbārīnezorba(as) tyrants.2x
ج ب ر|CBR جبارين CBERYN cebbārīne zorba (of) tyrannical strength 5:22
ج ب ر|CBR جبارين CBERYN cebbārīne zorbalar gibi (as) tyrants. 26:130
ج ب ل|CBLجبالCBELcibālindağlarmountains2x
ج ب ل|CBL جبال CBEL cibālin dağlar- mountains 24:43
ج ب ل|CBL جبال CBEL cibālu dağlar mountains 34:10
ج ب ه|CBHجباههمCBEHHMcibāhuhumonların alınlarıtheir foreheads1x
ج ب ه|CBH جباههم CBEHHM cibāhuhum onların alınları their foreheads 9:35
ج ب ل|CBLجبلCBLcebelinbir dağaa mountain,3x
ج ب ل|CBL جبل CBL cebelin dağın hill 2:260
ج ب ل|CBL جبل CBL cebelin bir dağa a mountain, 11:43
ج ب ل|CBL جبل CBL cebelin bir dağa a mountain, 59:21
ج ب ل|CBLجبلاCBLEcibillenkuşağıa multitude1x
ج ب ل|CBL جبلا CBLE cibillen kuşağı a multitude 36:62
|زنجبيلاZNCBYLEzencebīlenzencefil(of) Zanjabil,1x
| زنجبيلا ZNCBYLE zencebīlen zencefil (of) Zanjabil, 76:17
ع ج ب|ACBعجباACBEǎcebenharikulade güzel"amazingly."""4x
ع ج ب|ACB عجبا ACBE ǎceben tuhaf a wonder 10:2
ع ج ب|ACB عجبا ACBE ǎceben şaşılacak a wonder? 18:9
ع ج ب|ACB عجبا ACBE ǎceben şaşılacak biçimde "amazingly.""" 18:63
ع ج ب|ACB عجبا ACBE ǎceben harikulade güzel amazing, 72:1
ع ج ب|ACBعجبتACBTǎcibtesen şaşıyorsunyou wonder,1x
ع ج ب|ACB عجبت ACBT ǎcibte sen şaşıyorsun you wonder, 37:12
ع ج ب|ACBعجبواACBVEǎcibūşaştılarthey wonder1x
ع ج ب|ACB عجبوا ACBVE ǎcibū şaştılar they wonder 50:2
ج و ب|CVBفاستجبتمFESTCBTMfestecebtumsiz de da'vetime koştunuzand you responded1x
ج و ب|CVB فاستجبتم FESTCBTM festecebtum siz de da'vetime koştunuz and you responded 14:22
ج و ب|CVBفاستجبناFESTCBNEfestecebnābiz de kabul etmiştikso We responded4x
ج و ب|CVB فاستجبنا FESTCBNE festecebnā biz de kabul etmiştik so We responded 21:76
ج و ب|CVB فاستجبنا FESTCBNE festecebnā biz de kabul ettik So We responded 21:84
ج و ب|CVB فاستجبنا FESTCBNE festecebnā biz de kabul ettik So We responded 21:88
ج و ب|CVB فاستجبنا FESTCBNE festecebnā kabul buyurduk So We responded 21:90
ع ج ب|ACBفعجبFACBfeǎcebunşaşmak lazımthen astonishing1x
ع ج ب|ACB فعجب FACB feǎcebun şaşmak lazım then astonishing 13:5
ج ب ل|CBLكالجبالKELCBELkālcibālidağlar gibilike mountains,1x
ج ب ل|CBL كالجبال KELCBEL kālcibāli dağlar gibi like mountains, 11:42
|لجبريلLCBRYLlicibrīleCebrail'eto Jibreel -1x
| لجبريل LCBRYL licibrīle Cebrail'e to Jibreel - 2:97
ج ب ل|CBLللجبلLLCBLlilcebelidağato the mountain,1x
ج ب ل|CBL للجبل LLCBL lilcebeli dağa to the mountain, 7:143
ج ب ن|CBNللجبينLLCBYNlilcebīnialnı üzerineupon his forehead,1x
ج ب ن|CBN للجبين LLCBYN lilcebīni alnı üzerine upon his forehead, 37:103
ج و ب|CVBنجبNCBnucibgelelimwe will answer1x
ج و ب|CVB نجب NCB nucib gelelim we will answer 14:44
ج ب ل|CBLوالجبالVELCBELvelcibāluve dağlarand the mountains6x
ج ب ل|CBL والجبال VELCBEL velcibālu ve dağlar and the mountains, 22:18
ج ب ل|CBL والجبال VELCBEL velcibāli ve dağlara and the mountains, 33:72
ج ب ل|CBL والجبال VELCBEL velcibālu ve dağlar and the mountains 69:14
ج ب ل|CBL والجبال VELCBEL velcibālu ve dağlar and the mountains, 73:14
ج ب ل|CBL والجبال VELCBEL velcibāle ve dağları And the mountains 78:7
ج ب ل|CBL والجبال VELCBEL velcibāle ve dağları And the mountains, 79:32
ج ب ل|CBLوالجبلةVELCBLTvelcibilleteve nesilleriand the generations1x
ج ب ل|CBL والجبلة VELCBLT velcibillete ve nesilleri and the generations 26:184
و ج ب|VCBوجبتVCBTvecebetdüştükleri-are down1x
و ج ب|VCB وجبت VCBT vecebet düştükleri- are down 22:36
|وجبريلVCBRYLve cibrīleve Cebrail'eand Jibreel,2x
| وجبريل VCBRYL ve cibrīle ve Cebrail'e and Jibreel, 2:98
| وجبريل VCBRYL ve cibrīlu ve Cibril'dir and Jibreel, 66:4
ع ج ب|ACBوعجبواVACBVEve ǎcibūve hayret ettilerAnd they wonder1x
ع ج ب|ACB وعجبوا VACBVE ve ǎcibū ve hayret ettiler And they wonder 38:4
ج و ب|CVBيجبYCByucibuymazsarespond1x
ج و ب|CVB يجب YCB yucib uymazsa respond 46:32
ج ب ي|CBYيجبىYCByucbātoplanıp getirildiğiare brought1x
ج ب ي|CBY يجبى YCB yucbā toplanıp getirildiği are brought 28:57
ع ج ب|ACBيعجبYACByuǎ'cibuhoşuna giderdelighting1x
ع ج ب|ACB يعجب YACB yuǎ'cibu hoşuna gider delighting 48:29
ع ج ب|ACBيعجبكYACBKyuǎ'cibukesenin hoşuna giderpleases you1x
ع ج ب|ACB يعجبك YACBK yuǎ'cibuke senin hoşuna gider pleases you 2:204

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