Herhangi bir yerinde "ṦLE" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ص ل ب|ṦLBأصلابكمÊṦLEBKMeSlābikumkendi sulbünüz-your loins1x
ص ل ب|ṦLB أصلابكم ÊṦLEBKM eSlābikum kendi sulbünüz- your loins 4:23
ص ل و|ṦLVأصلاتكÊṦLETKeSalātukeSaLâT'ın mı?/Desteğin mi?(Zikrullah)Does your prayer1x
ص ل و|ṦLV أصلاتك ÊṦLETK eSalātuke SaLâT'ın mı?/Desteğin mi?(Zikrullah) Does your prayer 11:87
ص ل ح|ṦLḪإصلاحÎṦLEḪiSlāHundüzeltmeyi"""Setting right (their affairs)"2x
ص ل ح|ṦLḪ إصلاح ÎṦLEḪ iSlāHun ıslah etmek """Setting right (their affairs)" 2:220
ص ل ح|ṦLḪ إصلاح ÎṦLEḪ iSlāHin düzeltmeyi conciliation 4:114
ص ل ح|ṦLḪإصلاحاÎṦLEḪEiSlāHenbarışmak(for) reconciliation.2x
ص ل ح|ṦLḪ إصلاحا ÎṦLEḪE iSlāHen barışmak (for) reconciliation. 2:228
ص ل ح|ṦLḪ إصلاحا ÎṦLEḪE iSlāHen uzlaştırmak reconciliation, 4:35
ص ل ح|ṦLḪإصلاحهاÎṦLEḪHEiSlāHihādüzeltildiktenits reformation.2x
ص ل ح|ṦLḪ إصلاحها ÎṦLEḪHE iSlāHihā düzeltildikten its reformation. 7:56
ص ل ح|ṦLḪ إصلاحها ÎṦLEḪHE iSlāHihā düzeltildikten its reformation. 7:85
ص ل ح|ṦLḪالإصلاحELÎṦLEḪl-iSlāHaıslah etmekthe reform1x
ص ل ح|ṦLḪ الإصلاح ELÎṦLEḪ l-iSlāHa ıslah etmek the reform 11:88
ص ل و|ṦLVالصلاةELṦLETS-SalāteSaLâT'den-/Destek'den-(of) the prayer58x
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer, 2:3
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SalâTe/Desteğe the prayer 2:43
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 2:83
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 2:110
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer, 2:177
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 2:277
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe (Allahın desteği Zikrullah MESAJ) the prayer 4:43
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 4:77
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāti SaLâT/Destek the prayer 4:101
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer, 4:102
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTı / Desteği the prayer, 4:103
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe / Desteğe the (regular) prayer. 4:103
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe / Destek the prayer 4:103
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāti SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer, 4:142
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 4:162
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāti SaLâTe / Desteğe the prayer, 5:6
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 5:12
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 5:55
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāti SaLâTı/Desteği the prayer, 5:58
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāti ve SaLâT'ten/Destek'ten the prayer. 5:91
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāti SaLâT'den-/Destek'den- the prayer 5:106
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 6:72
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer, 7:170
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 8:3
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 9:5
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 9:11
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 9:18
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe (to) the prayer 9:54
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 9:71
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/desteğe the prayer. 10:87
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 11:114
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 13:22
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe(MESAJ)- the prayers, 14:31
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayers. 14:37
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāti SaLâTe/Desteğe- (of) the prayer, 14:40
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer, 17:78
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâtT/Destek the prayer 19:59
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 20:14
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāti SaLâTe/Desteğe (of) the prayer 21:73
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāti SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer, 22:35
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 22:41
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 22:78
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāti SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 24:37
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 24:56
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 27:3
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer. 29:45
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâT/Destek the prayer 29:45
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 30:31
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 31:4
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 31:17
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- the prayer 33:33
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer. 35:18
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 35:29
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe- prayer 42:38
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 58:13
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salātu SaLâTı/Desteği the prayer, 62:10
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer 73:20
ص ل و|ṦLV الصلاة ELṦLET S-Salāte SaLâTe/Desteğe the prayer, 98:5
ص ل و|ṦLVبالصلاةBELṦLETbiS-SalātiKs.(kastedilen) SaLâT/Destek ilethe prayer3x
ص ل و|ṦLV بالصلاة BELṦLET biS-Salāti SaLâT ile/Destek ile [of] the prayer 19:31
ص ل و|ṦLV بالصلاة BELṦLET biS-Salāti SaLâT ile/destek ile the prayer 19:55
ص ل و|ṦLV بالصلاة BELṦLET biS-Salāti Ks.(kastedilen) SaLâT/Destek ile the prayer 20:132
ص ل و|ṦLVبصلاتكBṦLETKbiSalātikeSaLâTın/Desteğin ilein your prayers1x
ص ل و|ṦLV بصلاتك BṦLETK biSalātike SaLâTın/Desteğin ile in your prayers 17:110
ص ل و|ṦLVصلاةṦLETSalātidesteğinden(the) prayer2x
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاة ṦLET Salāti desteğinden (the) prayer 24:58
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاة ṦLET Salāti SaLâtından/Desteğinden- (the) prayer 24:58
ص ل و|ṦLVصلاتكṦLETKSalātekedesteklemenyour blessings1x
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاتك ṦLETK Salāteke desteklemen your blessings 9:103
ص ل و|ṦLVصلاتهṦLETHSalātehudesteklediğiniits prayer1x
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاته ṦLETH Salātehu desteklediğini its prayer 24:41
ص ل و|ṦLVصلاتهمṦLETHMSalātihimdestekleri-their prayer6x
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاتهم ṦLETHM Salātihim SaLâTlerini/desteklerini their prayers 6:92
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاتهم ṦLETHM Salātuhum SaLât'leri / Destekleri their prayer 8:35
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاتهم ṦLETHM Salātihim SaLâtları/Destekleri- their prayers 23:2
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاتهم ṦLETHM Salātihim desteklerinde their prayer 70:23
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاتهم ṦLETHM Salātihim desteklerinde their prayer 70:34
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاتهم ṦLETHM Salātihim destekleri- their prayers 107:5
ص ل و|ṦLVصلاتيṦLETYSalātīSaLâTım/desteğimmy prayer,1x
ص ل و|ṦLV صلاتي ṦLETY Salātī SaLâTım/desteğim my prayer, 6:162
ص ل و|ṦLVللصلاةLLṦLETliSSalātiSaLâT/Destek içinfor (the) prayer1x
ص ل و|ṦLV للصلاة LLṦLET liSSalāti SaLâT/Destek için for (the) prayer 62:9
ف ص ل|FṦLمفصلاMFṦLEmufeSSalenaçıklanmış olarak"explained in detail?"""1x
ف ص ل|FṦL مفصلا MFṦLE mufeSSalen açıklanmış olarak "explained in detail?""" 6:114
ف ص ل|FṦLمفصلاتMFṦLETmufeSSalātinayrı ayrımanifest,1x
ف ص ل|FṦL مفصلات MFṦLET mufeSSalātin ayrı ayrı manifest, 7:133
ص ل و|ṦLVوالصلاةVELṦLETve SSalātive destekle(zikrullah/mesaj)"and the prayer;"3x
ص ل و|ṦLV والصلاة VELṦLET ve SSalāti ve destekle(zikrullah/mesaj) "and the prayer;" 2:45
ص ل و|ṦLV والصلاة VELṦLET ve SSalāti ve SaLâT'le / destekle and the prayer. 2:153
ص ل و|ṦLV والصلاة VELṦLET ve SSalāti ve SaLâTın/Desteğin and the prayer - 2:238
ص ل ي|ṦLYيصلاهاYṦLEHEyeSlāhāona girmezhe will burn2x
ص ل ي|ṦLY يصلاها YṦLEHE yeSlāhā oraya girer he will burn 17:18
ص ل ي|ṦLY يصلاها YṦLEHE yeSlāhā ona girmez will burn (in) it 92:15

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