Herhangi bir yerinde "VÊM" geçen ifadeler tarandı:
# "-M" takısı olmadan "VÊ" ifadesini tara (1:1).

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ا م ن|EMNأوأمنÊVÊMNeveemineYa da emin midirler?Or felt secure1x
ا م ن|EMN أوأمن ÊVÊMN eveemine Ya da emin midirler? Or felt secure 7:98
|وأماVÊMEve emmāAnd28x
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ve ise And as for 2:26
| وأما VÊME ve emmā gelince And as for 3:57
| وأما VÊME veemmā ise But as for 3:107
| وأما VÊME ve emmā gelince And as for 4:173
| وأما VÊME veemmā fakat gelince But as for 9:125
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ve And as for 11:108
| وأما VÊME ve emmā and as for 12:41
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ve and as for 13:17
| وأما VÊME ve emmā gelince And as for 18:80
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ise And as for 18:82
| وأما VÊME veemmā ise But as for 18:88
| وأما VÊME veemmā fakat But as for 30:16
| وأما VÊME veemmā ve fakat But as for 32:20
| وأما VÊME ve emmā gelince And as for 41:17
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama gelince But as for 45:31
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama And 56:90
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama But 56:92
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ve And as for 69:6
| وأما VÊME veemmā o zaman But as for 69:25
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ise And as for 72:15
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama But as for 79:40
| وأما VÊME veemmā fakat But as for 80:8
| وأما VÊME veemmā ve fakat But as for 84:10
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama But 89:16
| وأما VÊME veemmā ama But as for 92:8
| وأما VÊME ve emmā ve sakın And as for 93:10
| وأما VÊME veemmā ve But as for 93:11
| وأما VÊME veemmā ve fakat But as for 101:8
م ت ع|MTAوأمتعتكمVÊMTATKMve emtiǎtikumve metanız-and your baggage,1x
م ت ع|MTA وأمتعتكم VÊMTATKM ve emtiǎtikum ve metanız- and your baggage, 4:102
م د د|MD̃D̃وأمددناكمVÊMD̃D̃NEKMve emdednākumve sizi destekledikAnd We reinforced you1x
م د د|MD̃D̃ وأمددناكم VÊMD̃D̃NEKM ve emdednākum ve sizi destekledik And We reinforced you 17:6
م د د|MD̃D̃وأمددناهمVÊMD̃D̃NEHMve emdednāhumve onlara bol bol verdikAnd We will provide them1x
م د د|MD̃D̃ وأمددناهم VÊMD̃D̃NEHM ve emdednāhum ve onlara bol bol verdik And We will provide them 52:22
ا م ر|EMRوأمرVÊMRve'muremretand enjoin5x
ا م ر|EMR وأمر VÊMR ve'mur ve emret and order 7:145
ا م ر|EMR وأمر VÊMR ve'mur emret and enjoin 7:199
ا م ر|EMR وأمر VÊMR ve'mur ve emret And enjoin 20:132
ا م ر|EMR وأمر VÊMR ve'mur ve emret and enjoin 31:17
م ر ر|MRR وأمر VÊMR ve emerru ve acıdır and more bitter. 54:46
ا م ر|EMRوأمرتVÊMRTve umirtuve bana emredildiAnd I am commanded6x
ا م ر|EMR وأمرت VÊMRT ve umirtu ve ben emrolundum and I have been commanded 10:72
ا م ر|EMR وأمرت VÊMRT ve umirtu ve ben emrolundum And I am commanded 10:104
ا م ر|EMR وأمرت VÊMRT ve umirtu ve bana emredildi And I am commanded 27:91
ا م ر|EMR وأمرت VÊMRT ve umirtu ve bana emredildi And I am commanded 39:12
ا م ر|EMR وأمرت VÊMRT ve umirtu ve emrolundum and I am commanded 40:66
ا م ر|EMR وأمرت VÊMRT ve umirtu ve emrolundum and I am commanded 42:15
ا م ر|EMRوأمرناVÊMRNEve umirnāve bize emredilmiştirand we have been commanded1x
ا م ر|EMR وأمرنا VÊMRNE ve umirnā ve bize emredilmiştir and we have been commanded 6:71
ا م ر|EMRوأمرهVÊMRHve emruhuve işi deand his case1x
ا م ر|EMR وأمره VÊMRH ve emruhu ve işi de and his case 2:275
ا م ر|EMRوأمرهمVÊMRHMve emruhumve emrederlerand their affairs1x
ا م ر|EMR وأمرهم VÊMRHM ve emruhum ve emrederler and their affairs 42:38
ا م ر|EMRوأمرواVÊMRVEve emerūve emrederlerand they enjoin1x
ا م ر|EMR وأمروا VÊMRVE ve emerū ve emrederler and they enjoin 22:41
م ط ر|MŦRوأمطرناVÊMŦRNEve emTarnāve yağdırdıkand We rained5x
م ط ر|MŦR وأمطرنا VÊMŦRNE ve emTarnā ve yağdırdık And We showered 7:84
م ط ر|MŦR وأمطرنا VÊMŦRNE ve emTarnā ve yağdırdık and We rained 11:82
م ط ر|MŦR وأمطرنا VÊMŦRNE ve emTarnā ve yağdırdık and We rained 15:74
م ط ر|MŦR وأمطرنا VÊMŦRNE ve emTarnā ve yağdırdık And We rained 26:173
م ط ر|MŦR وأمطرنا VÊMŦRNE ve emTarnā ve yağdırdık And We rained 27:58
م ل و|MLVوأملىVÊMLve emlāve uzun emellere düşürmüştürand prolonged hope1x
م ل و|MLV وأملى VÊML ve emlā ve uzun emellere düşürmüştür and prolonged hope 47:25
م ل و|MLVوأمليVÊMLYve umlīmühlet veriyorumAnd I will give respite2x
م ل و|MLV وأملي VÊMLY ve umlī ve mühlet veriyorum And I will give respite 7:183
م ل و|MLV وأملي VÊMLY ve umlī mühlet veriyorum And I will give respite 68:45
ا م م|EMMوأممVÊMMveumemunve (bazı) ümmetlereBut (to other) nations1x
ا م م|EMM وأمم VÊMM veumemun ve (bazı) ümmetlere But (to other) nations 11:48
ا م ن|EMNوأمناVÊMNEve emnenve güven yeriand (a place of) security1x
ا م ن|EMN وأمنا VÊMNE ve emnen ve güven yeri and (a place of) security 2:125
ا م م|EMMوأمهVÊMHve ummehuve anasındanand his mother4x
ا م م|EMM وأمه VÊMH ve ummehu ve annesini and his mother 5:17
ا م م|EMM وأمه VÊMH ve ummuhu ve annesi de And his mother 5:75
ا م م|EMM وأمه VÊMH ve ummehu ve annesini and his mother 23:50
ا م م|EMM وأمه VÊMH ve ummihi ve anasından And his mother 80:35
ا م م|EMMوأمهاتVÊMHETve ummehātuve analarıand mothers1x
ا م م|EMM وأمهات VÊMHET ve ummehātu ve anaları and mothers 4:23
ا م م|EMMوأمهاتكمVÊMHETKMve ummehātukumuve analarınızand (the) mothers1x
ا م م|EMM وأمهاتكم VÊMHETKM ve ummehātukumu ve analarınız and (the) mothers 4:23
م و ت|MVTوأمواتاVÊMVETEve emvātenve ölüler (için)and (the) dead,1x
م و ت|MVT وأمواتا VÊMVETE ve emvāten ve ölüler (için) and (the) dead, 77:26
م و ل|MVLوأموالVÊMVELve emvālunve mallarand wealth1x
م و ل|MVL وأموال VÊMVEL ve emvālun ve mallar and wealth 9:24
م و ل|MVLوأموالاVÊMVELEve emvālenve mallarand wealth1x
م و ل|MVL وأموالا VÊMVELE ve emvālen ve mallar and wealth 10:88
م و ل|MVLوأموالهمVÊMVELHMve emvālehumve mallarındanand their properties3x
م و ل|MVL وأموالهم VÊMVELHM ve emvālehum ve mallarını and their wealth, 9:111
م و ل|MVL وأموالهم VÊMVELHM ve emvālehum ve mallarını and their properties 33:27
م و ل|MVL وأموالهم VÊMVELHM ve emvālihim ve mallarından and their properties, 59:8
ا م م|EMMوأميVÊMYve ummiyeve annemiand my mother1x
ا م م|EMM وأمي VÊMY ve ummiye ve annemi and my mother 5:116
م و ت|MVTوأميتVÊMYTve umītuve öldürürüm"and cause death."""1x
م و ت|MVT وأميت VÊMYT ve umītu ve öldürürüm "and cause death.""" 2:258

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