Herhangi bir yerinde "ALH" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ب ع ل|BALبعلهاBALHEbeǎ'lihākocasınınher husband1x
ب ع ل|BAL بعلها BALHE beǎ'lihā kocasının her husband 4:128
ج ع ل|CALجعلهCALHceǎlehubunu yapmadı(it was) made5x
ج ع ل|CAL جعله CALH ceǎlehu onu yapmaz made it 3:126
ج ع ل|CAL جعله CALH ceǎlehu onu etti He made it 7:143
ج ع ل|CAL جعله CALH ceǎlehu bunu yapmadı (it was) made 8:10
ج ع ل|CAL جعله CALH ceǎlehu onu sokunca he made it 18:96
ج ع ل|CAL جعله CALH ceǎlehu onu eder He will make it 18:98
ج ع ل|CALجعلهاCALHEceǎlehāonu yaptıhas made it1x
ج ع ل|CAL جعلها CALHE ceǎlehā onu yaptı has made it 12:100
ج ع ل|CALفجعلهFCALHfe ceǎlehusonra da onu çevirdiand has made (for) him3x
ج ع ل|CAL فجعله FCALH fe ceǎlehu ve onu kıldı and has made (for) him 25:54
ج ع ل|CAL فجعله FCALH fe ceǎlehu ve onu yaptı and made him 68:50
ج ع ل|CAL فجعله FCALH fe ceǎlehu sonra da onu çevirdi And then makes it 87:5
ج ع ل|CALفجعلهمFCALHMfeceǎlehumnihayet onları ettiSo he made them2x
ج ع ل|CAL فجعلهم FCALHM feceǎlehum nihayet onları etti So he made them 21:58
ج ع ل|CAL فجعلهم FCALHM feceǎlehum nihayet onları yaptı Then He made them 105:5
ف ع ل|FALفعلهFALHfeǎlehuyapmış(some doer) did it.1x
ف ع ل|FAL فعله FALH feǎlehu yapmış (some doer) did it. 21:63
ج ع ل|CALفيجعلهFYCALHfe yec'ǎlehuatsınand put them1x
ج ع ل|CAL فيجعله FYCALH fe yec'ǎlehu atsın and put them 8:37
ج ع ل|CALلجعلهLCALHleceǎlehuonu yapardısurely He (could) have made it1x
ج ع ل|CAL لجعله LCALH leceǎlehu onu yapardı surely He (could) have made it 25:45
ج ع ل|CALلجعلهمLCALHMleceǎlehumonları yapardıHe could have made them1x
ج ع ل|CAL لجعلهم LCALHM leceǎlehum onları yapardı He could have made them 42:8
|لعلهLALHleǎllehubelkiperhaps he3x
| لعله LALH leǎllehu belki perhaps he 20:44
| لعله LALH leǎllehu belki de o perhaps it may be 21:111
| لعله LALH leǎllehu belki o that he might 80:3
|لعلهمLALHMleǎllehumbelkiperhaps they may41x
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum böylece onlar so that they may 2:186
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 2:187
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 2:221
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki onlar perhaps they may 3:72
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki onlar so that they may 6:42
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 6:51
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum diye so that they may 6:65
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 6:69
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 6:154
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 7:26
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum diye so that they may 7:94
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki (diye) so that they may 7:130
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 7:168
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 7:176
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum böylece so that they may 8:57
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 9:12
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 9:122
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum onlar da so that they may 12:46
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki onlar so that they 12:62
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki de so that they may 12:62
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 14:25
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 14:37
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki that they may 20:113
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 21:31
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 21:58
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum böylece onlar so that they may 21:61
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki onlar so that they may 23:49
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki onlar that they may 28:43
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 28:46
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 28:51
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki onlar so that they may 30:41
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umuduyla so that they may 32:3
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki so that they may 32:21
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum onlar umarak that they may 36:74
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 39:27
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 39:28
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 43:28
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 43:48
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 44:58
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum belki de that they may 46:27
| لعلهم LALHM leǎllehum umulur ki so that they may 59:21
ج ع ل|CALلنجعلهاLNCALHElinec'ǎlehāonu yapalım diyeThat We might make it1x
ج ع ل|CAL لنجعلها LNCALHE linec'ǎlehā onu yapalım diye That We might make it 69:12
ج ع ل|CALنجعلهاNCALHEnec'ǎluhāonu veririzWe assign it1x
ج ع ل|CAL نجعلها NCALHE nec'ǎluhā onu veririz We assign it 28:83
ج ع ل|CALنجعلهمNCALHMnec'ǎlehumonları yapacağımızıWe will make them1x
ج ع ل|CAL نجعلهم NCALHM nec'ǎlehum onları yapacağımızı We will make them 45:21
ج ع ل|CALنجعلهماNCALHMEnec'ǎlhumāonları alalım(so) we may put them1x
ج ع ل|CAL نجعلهما NCALHME nec'ǎlhumā onları alalım (so) we may put them 41:29
ج ع ل|CALواجعلهVECALHvec'ǎlhuve onu yapAnd make him1x
ج ع ل|CAL واجعله VECALH vec'ǎlhu ve onu yap And make him 19:6
ج ع ل|CALوجعلهاVCALHEve ceǎlehāve onu yaptıAnd he made it1x
ج ع ل|CAL وجعلها VCALHE ve ceǎlehā ve onu yaptı And he made it 43:28
|ولعلهمVLALHMveleǎllehumartık herhaldeand that they may3x
| ولعلهم VLALHM veleǎllehum ve belki and that they may 7:164
| ولعلهم VLALHM veleǎllehum artık herhalde so that they may 7:174
| ولعلهم VLALHM veleǎllehum ta ki and that they may 16:44
ج ع ل|CALولنجعلهVLNCALHvelinec'ǎlehuonu kılmak içinand so that We will make him1x
ج ع ل|CAL ولنجعله VLNCALH velinec'ǎlehu onu kılmak için and so that We will make him 19:21
ج ع ل|CALونجعلهمVNCALHMve nec'ǎlehumve onları kılmayıand make them2x
ج ع ل|CAL ونجعلهم VNCALHM ve nec'ǎlehum ve onları yapmayı and make them 28:5
ج ع ل|CAL ونجعلهم VNCALHM ve nec'ǎlehumu ve onları kılmayı and make them 28:5
ج ع ل|CALويجعلهVYCALHve yec'ǎluhuve ederand He makes them1x
ج ع ل|CAL ويجعله VYCALH ve yec'ǎluhu ve eder and He makes them 30:48
ج ع ل|CALيجعلهYCALHyec'ǎlhukoyarHe makes them3x
ج ع ل|CAL يجعله YCALH yec'ǎlhu koyar He places him 6:39
ج ع ل|CAL يجعله YCALH yec'ǎluhu onları yığar (sıkıştırır) makes them 24:43
ج ع ل|CAL يجعله YCALH yec'ǎluhu onu yapar He makes them 39:21
ف ع ل|FALيفعلهYFALHyef'ǎlhubunu yaparsadoes it1x
ف ع ل|FAL يفعله YFALH yef'ǎlhu bunu yaparsa does it 60:1

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