Herhangi bir yerinde "CNV" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ج ن د|CND̃الجنودELCNVD̃l-cunūdiorduların(of) the hosts,1x
ج ن د|CND̃ الجنود ELCNVD̃ l-cunūdi orduların (of) the hosts, 85:17
ج ن د|CND̃بالجنودBELCNVD̃bil-cunūdiordularlawith the forces1x
ج ن د|CND̃ بالجنود BELCNVD̃ bil-cunūdi ordularla with the forces 2:249
ج ن د|CND̃بجنودBCNVD̃bicunūdinaskerlerlewith forces2x
ج ن د|CND̃ بجنود BCNVD̃ bicunūdin askerlerle with forces 9:40
ج ن د|CND̃ بجنود BCNVD̃ bicunūdin ordularla with hosts 27:37
ج ن د|CND̃بجنودهBCNVD̃Hbicunūdihiaskerleriylewith his forces,1x
ج ن د|CND̃ بجنوده BCNVD̃H bicunūdihi askerleriyle with his forces, 20:78
ج ن ن|CNNبمجنونBMCNVNbimecnūnincinlenmiş (deli)a madman.2x
ج ن ن|CNN بمجنون BMCNVN bimecnūnin cinlenmiş (deli) a madman. 68:2
ج ن ن|CNN بمجنون BMCNVN bimecnūnin cinli mad. 81:22
ج ن ب|CNBجنوبكمCNVBKMcunūbikumyanlarınız-your sides.1x
ج ن ب|CNB جنوبكم CNVBKM cunūbikum yanlarınız- your sides. 4:103
ج ن ب|CNBجنوبهاCNVBHEcunūbuhāyanlarınatheir sides,1x
ج ن ب|CNB جنوبها CNVBHE cunūbuhā yanlarına their sides, 22:36
ج ن ب|CNBجنوبهمCNVBHMcunūbihimyanlarıtheir sides2x
ج ن ب|CNB جنوبهم CNVBHM cunūbihim yanları their sides 3:191
ج ن ب|CNB جنوبهم CNVBHM cunūbuhum yanları their sides 32:16
ج ن د|CND̃جنودCNVD̃cunūdunaskerleri(are the) hosts4x
ج ن د|CND̃ جنود CNVD̃ cunūdun ordular (the) hosts 33:9
ج ن د|CND̃ جنود CNVD̃ cunūdu askerleri (are the) hosts 48:4
ج ن د|CND̃ جنود CNVD̃ cunūdu askerleri (are the) hosts 48:7
ج ن د|CND̃ جنود CNVD̃ cunūde ordularını (the) hosts 74:31
ج ن د|CND̃جنوداCNVD̃Ecunūdenaskerlerforces,1x
ج ن د|CND̃ جنودا CNVD̃E cunūden askerler forces, 9:26
ج ن د|CND̃جنودهCNVD̃Hcunūduhuordularıhis hosts1x
ج ن د|CND̃ جنوده CNVD̃H cunūduhu orduları his hosts 27:17
ج ن ن|CNNلمجنونLMCNVNlemecnūnundelisin"(is) surely mad."""3x
ج ن ن|CNN لمجنون LMCNVN lemecnūnun delisin (are) surely mad. 15:6
ج ن ن|CNN لمجنون LMCNVN lemecnūnun mutlaka delidir "(is) surely mad.""" 26:27
ج ن ن|CNN لمجنون LMCNVN lemecnūnun mecnundur "(is) surely mad.""" 68:51
ج ن ن|CNNمجنونMCNVNmecnūnincinlenmiş"""A madman,"""6x
ج ن ن|CNN مجنون MCNVN mecnūnin cinlenmiş "mad?""" 37:36
ج ن ن|CNN مجنون MCNVN mecnūnun cinlenmiştir "a mad man.""" 44:14
ج ن ن|CNN مجنون MCNVN mecnūnun cinlidir "a madman.""" 51:39
ج ن ن|CNN مجنون MCNVN mecnūnun cinlenmiştir "a madman.""" 51:52
ج ن ن|CNN مجنون MCNVN mecnūnin mecnun a madman. 52:29
ج ن ن|CNN مجنون MCNVN mecnūnun cinlenmiştir """A madman,""" 54:9
ج ن ب|CNBوجنوبهمVCNVBHMve cunūbuhumve yanlarıand their flanks1x
ج ن ب|CNB وجنوبهم VCNVBHM ve cunūbuhum ve yanları and their flanks 9:35
ج ن د|CND̃وجنودVCNVD̃ve cunūduve askerleriAnd (the) hosts1x
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنود VCNVD̃ ve cunūdu ve askerleri And (the) hosts 26:95
ج ن د|CND̃وجنوداVCNVD̃Eve cunūdenve ordularand hosts1x
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنودا VCNVD̃E ve cunūden ve ordular and hosts 33:9
ج ن د|CND̃وجنودهVCNVD̃Hve cunūdihive askerleri"and his troops."""7x
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده VCNVD̃H ve cunūdihi ve askerlerine karşı "and his troops.""" 2:249
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده VCNVD̃H ve cunūdihi ve askerleriyle and his troops 2:250
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده VCNVD̃H ve cunūduhu ve askerleri de and his hosts 10:90
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده VCNVD̃H ve cunūduhu ve orduları and his hosts 27:18
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده VCNVD̃H ve cunūduhu ve askerleri and his hosts 28:39
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده VCNVD̃H ve cunūdehu ve askerlerini and his hosts, 28:40
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنوده VCNVD̃H ve cunūdehu ve askerlerini and his hosts 51:40
ج ن د|CND̃وجنودهماVCNVD̃HMEve cunūdehumāve askerleriand their hosts2x
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنودهما VCNVD̃HME ve cunūdehumā ve askerlerine and their hosts 28:6
ج ن د|CND̃ وجنودهما VCNVD̃HME ve cunūdehumā ve askerleri and their hosts 28:8

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