Herhangi bir yerinde "VTH" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ه و ي|HVYاستهوتهESTHVTHstehvethuayartarakwhom (has been) enticed1x
ه و ي|HVY استهوته ESTHVTH stehvethu ayartarak whom (has been) enticed 6:71
ب ي ت|BYTبيوتهمBYVTHMbuyūtuhumevleridir(are) their houses,2x
ب ي ت|BYT بيوتهم BYVTHM buyūtuhum evleridir (are) their houses, 27:52
ب ي ت|BYT بيوتهم BYVTHM buyūtehum evlerini their houses 59:2
ب ي ت|BYTبيوتهنBYVTHNbuyūtihinneevleri-their houses,1x
ب ي ت|BYT بيوتهن BYVTHN buyūtihinne evleri- their houses, 65:1
ت ل و|TLVتلاوتهTLEVTHtilāvetihiokuyuşla(of) its recitation.1x
ت ل و|TLV تلاوته TLEVTH tilāvetihi okuyuşla (of) its recitation. 2:121
ت ل و|TLVتلوتهTLVTHtelevtuhubunu okumazdımI (would) have recited it1x
ت ل و|TLV تلوته TLVTH televtuhu bunu okumazdım I (would) have recited it 10:16
ث ب ت|S̃BTثبوتهاS̃BVTHEṧubūtihāsağlam bastıktanit is firmly planted,1x
ث ب ت|S̃BT ثبوتها S̃BVTHE ṧubūtihā sağlam bastıktan it is firmly planted, 16:94
ح و ت|ḪVTحوتهماḪVTHMEHūtehumābalıklarınıtheir fish,1x
ح و ت|ḪVT حوتهما ḪVTHME Hūtehumā balıklarını their fish, 18:61
د ع و|D̃AVدعوتهمD̃AVTHMdeǎvtuhumonları da'vet ettimI invited them2x
د ع و|D̃AV دعوتهم D̃AVTHM deǎvtuhum onları da'vet ettimse I invited them 71:7
د ع و|D̃AV دعوتهم D̃AVTHM deǎvtuhum onları da'vet ettim invited them 71:8
ك س و|KSVكسوتهمKSVTHMkisvetuhumonları giydirmektirclothing them1x
ك س و|KSV كسوتهم KSVTHM kisvetuhum onları giydirmektir clothing them 5:89
ب ي ت|BYTلبيوتهمLBYVTHMlibuyūtihimevlerinefor their houses1x
ب ي ت|BYT لبيوتهم LBYVTHM libuyūtihim evlerine for their houses 43:33
م و ت|MVTموتهMVTHmevtihiölümündenhis death2x
م و ت|MVT موته MVTH mevtihi ölümünden his death. 4:159
م و ت|MVT موته MVTH mevtihi onun öldüğünü his death 34:14
م و ت|MVTموتهاMVTHEmevtihāöldükten"its death?"""11x
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā öldükten its death, 2:164
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā öldükten "its death?""" 2:259
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā ölümünden its death. 16:65
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā öldükten "its death?""" 29:63
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā ölümünden its death, 30:19
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā ölümünden its death. 30:24
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā ölümü- its death. 30:50
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā öldükten its death. 35:9
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā ölümleri (of) their death, 39:42
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā ölümünden its death, 45:5
م و ت|MVT موتها MVTHE mevtihā ölümünden its death. 57:17
ا خ و|EḢVوإخوتهVÎḢVTHve iḣve tihive kardeşlerindeand his brothers1x
ا خ و|EḢV وإخوته VÎḢVTH ve iḣve tihi ve kardeşlerinde and his brothers 12:7
ه د ي|HD̃YوتهديVTHD̃Yve tehdīve yol gösterirsinand You guide1x
ه د ي|HD̃Y وتهدي VTHD̃Y ve tehdī ve yol gösterirsin and You guide 7:155
ك س و|KSVوكسوتهنVKSVTHNve kisve tuhunneve giyecekleriand their clothing1x
ك س و|KSV وكسوتهن VKSVTHN ve kisve tuhunne ve giyecekleri and their clothing 2:233
ب ي ت|BYTولبيوتهمVLBYVTHMvelibuyūtihimve evlerineAnd for their houses1x
ب ي ت|BYT ولبيوتهم VLBYVTHM velibuyūtihim ve evlerine And for their houses 43:34

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