Herhangi bir yerinde "LÊB" geçen ifadeler tarandı:
# "L-" öntakısı olmadan "ÊB" ifadesini tara (1:1). {L: elbette, -e/-a, için}

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ب ت ر|BTRالأبترELÊBTRl-ebterubeterthe one cut off.1x
ب ت ر|BTR الأبتر ELÊBTR l-ebteru beter the one cut off. 108:3
ب ر ر|BRRالأبرارELÊBRERl-ebrāriiyiler(of) the righteous5x
ب ر ر|BRR الأبرار ELÊBRER l-ebrāri iyilerle the righteous. 3:193
ب ر ر|BRR الأبرار ELÊBRER l-ebrāra iyiler the righteous 76:5
ب ر ر|BRR الأبرار ELÊBRER l-ebrāra iyiler the righteous 82:13
ب ر ر|BRR الأبرار ELÊBRER l-ebrāri iyilerin (of) the righteous 83:18
ب ر ر|BRR الأبرار ELÊBRER l-ebrāra iyiler the righteous 83:22
ب ص ر|BṦRالأبصارELÊBṦERl-ebSāriakıl"the vision?"""9x
ب ص ر|BṦR الأبصار ELÊBṦER l-ebSāri gözleri (of) vision. 3:13
ب ص ر|BṦR الأبصار ELÊBṦER l-ebSāru gözler the visions 6:103
ب ص ر|BṦR الأبصار ELÊBṦER l-ebSāra gözleri (all) the vision, 6:103
ب ص ر|BṦR الأبصار ELÊBṦER l-ebSāru gözlerin the eyes. 14:42
ب ص ر|BṦR الأبصار ELÊBṦER l-ebSāru gözler the eyes 22:46
ب ص ر|BṦR الأبصار ELÊBṦER l-ebSāri gözleri for those who have vision. 24:44
ب ص ر|BṦR الأبصار ELÊBṦER l-ebSāru gözler the eyes 33:10
ب ص ر|BṦR الأبصار ELÊBṦER l-ebSāru gözler(imiz) "the vision?""" 38:63
ب ص ر|BṦR الأبصار ELÊBṦER l-ebSāri akıl (with) insight! 59:2
ب و ب|BVBالأبوابELÊBVEBl-ebvābekapılarıthe doors2x
ب و ب|BVB الأبواب ELÊBVEB l-ebvābe kapıları the doors 12:23
ب و ب|BVB الأبواب ELÊBVEB l-ebvābu kapıları the gates. 38:50
ب ي ض|BYŽالأبيضELÊBYŽl-ebyeDubeyaz[the] white1x
ب ي ض|BYŽ الأبيض ELÊBYŽ l-ebyeDu beyaz [the] white 2:187
ب ص ر|BṦRبالأبصارBELÊBṦERbil-ebSārigözlerithe sight.1x
ب ص ر|BṦR بالأبصار BELÊBṦER bil-ebSāri gözleri the sight. 24:43
ا ب و|EBVلأبيLÊBYliebībabamımy father.1x
ا ب و|EBV لأبي LÊBY liebī babamı my father. 26:86
ا ب و|EBVلأبيهLÊBYHliebīhibabasıfor his father9x
ا ب و|EBV لأبيه LÊBYH liebīhi babası to his father 6:74
ا ب و|EBV لأبيه LÊBYH liebīhi babası için for his father 9:114
ا ب و|EBV لأبيه LÊBYH liebīhi babasına to his father, 12:4
ا ب و|EBV لأبيه LÊBYH liebīhi babasına to his father, 19:42
ا ب و|EBV لأبيه LÊBYH liebīhi babasına to his father 21:52
ا ب و|EBV لأبيه LÊBYH liebīhi babasına to his father 26:70
ا ب و|EBV لأبيه LÊBYH liebīhi babasına to his father 37:85
ا ب و|EBV لأبيه LÊBYH liebīhi babasına to his father 43:26
ا ب و|EBV لأبيه LÊBYH liebīhi babasına to his father, 60:4
ب ر ر|BRRللأبرارLLÊBRERlilebrāriiyiler içinfor the righteous.1x
ب ر ر|BRR للأبرار LLÊBRER lilebrāri iyiler için for the righteous. 3:198
ب ر ص|BRṦوالأبرصVELÊBRṦvel'ebraSave alacalıyıand the leper2x
ب ر ص|BRṦ والأبرص VELÊBRṦ vel'ebraSa ve alacalıyı and the leper, 3:49
ب ر ص|BRṦ والأبرص VELÊBRṦ vel'ebraSa ve alacalıyı and the leper 5:110
ب ص ر|BṦRوالأبصارVELÊBṦERvel'ebSārave basiretliand the eyes.7x
ب ص ر|BṦR والأبصار VELÊBṦER vel'ebSāra ve gözlere and the sight? 10:31
ب ص ر|BṦR والأبصار VELÊBṦER vel'ebSāra ve gözler and the sight 16:78
ب ص ر|BṦR والأبصار VELÊBṦER vel'ebSāra ve gözleri and the sight 23:78
ب ص ر|BṦR والأبصار VELÊBṦER vel'ebSāru ve gözlerin and the eyes. 24:37
ب ص ر|BṦR والأبصار VELÊBṦER vel'ebSāra ve gözler and the sight 32:9
ب ص ر|BṦR والأبصار VELÊBṦER vel'ebSāri ve basiretli and vision. 38:45
ب ص ر|BṦR والأبصار VELÊBṦER vel'ebSāra ve gözler and the vision 67:23
ا ب و|EBVولأبويهVLÊBVYHveliebeveyhiana babasındanAnd for his parents,1x
ا ب و|EBV ولأبويه VLÊBVYH veliebeveyhi ana babasından And for his parents, 4:11
ب ي ن|BYNولأبينVLÊBYNveliubeyyineve açıklamak için (geldim)and that I make clear1x
ب ي ن|BYN ولأبين VLÊBYN veliubeyyine ve açıklamak için (geldim) and that I make clear 43:63

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