Herhangi bir yerinde "وجاء" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءVCEÙvecā'eve geldiand brought10x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاء VCEÙ vecā'e ve geldi So came 7:113
ج ي ا|CYE وجاء VCEÙ ve cā'e ve geldiler And came 9:90
ج ي ا|CYE وجاء VCEÙ ve cā'e ve geldiler And came 12:58
ج ي ا|CYE وجاء VCEÙ ve cā'e ve getirdi and brought 12:100
ج ي ا|CYE وجاء VCEÙ ve cā'e ve geldiler And came 15:67
ج ي ا|CYE وجاء VCEÙ ve cā'e ve geldi And came 28:20
ج ي ا|CYE وجاء VCEÙ ve cā'e ve geldi And came 36:20
ج ي ا|CYE وجاء VCEÙ ve cā'e ve getiren and came 50:33
ج ي ا|CYE وجاء VCEÙ ve cā'e ve geldiler And came 69:9
ج ي ا|CYE وجاء VCEÙ ve cā'e ve geldiği (zaman) And comes 89:22
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءتVCEÙTve cā'etve geldiAnd there came3x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءت VCEÙT ve cā'et ve geldi And there came 12:19
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءت VCEÙT ve cā'et ve geldi And will come 50:19
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءت VCEÙT ve cā'et ve geldi And will come 50:21
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءتهVCEÙTHve cā'ethuve kendisine gelinceand had reached him1x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءته VCEÙTH ve cā'ethu ve kendisine gelince and had reached him 11:74
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءتهمVCEÙTHMve cā'ethumkendilerine geldiği haldeAnd came (to) them2x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءتهم VCEÙTHM ve cā'ethum kendilerine geldiği halde and came to them 10:13
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءتهم VCEÙTHM ve cā'ethum onlara gelmişti And came (to) them 30:9
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءكVCEÙKve cā'ekeve sana gelmiştirAnd has come to you1x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءك VCEÙK ve cā'eke ve sana gelmiştir And has come to you 11:120
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءكمVCEÙKMve cā'ekumuve size geldiAnd came to you1x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءكم VCEÙKM ve cā'ekumu ve size geldi And came to you 35:37
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءهVCEÙHve cā'ehuve geldiAnd came (to) him1x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءه VCEÙH ve cā'ehu ve geldi And came (to) him 11:78
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءهمVCEÙHMve cā'ehumuve geldiğindeand came to them3x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءهم VCEÙHM ve cā'ehumu ve kendilerine geldikten and came to them 3:86
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءهم VCEÙHM ve cā'ehumu ve geldiğinde and comes to them 10:22
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءهم VCEÙHM ve cā'ehum ve onlara geldi and came to them 44:17
ج ي ا|CYEوجاءواVCEÙVEve cā'ūve geldilerand came (up)3x
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءوا VCEÙVE ve cā'ū ve getirdiler and came (up) 7:116
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءوا VCEÙVE ve cā'ū ve geldiler And they came 12:16
ج ي ا|CYE وجاءوا VCEÙVE ve cā'ū ve getirdiler And they brought 12:18

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