Herhangi bir yerinde "getireceği" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ا ت ي|ETYتأتيTÊTYte'tīgetireceği(when) will bring1x
ا ت ي|ETY تأتي TÊTY te'tī gelir (when) will come 16:111
ا ت ي|ETY تأتي TÊTY te'tiye getirmelisin you bring 17:92
ا ت ي|ETY تأتي TÊTY te'tī getireceği (when) will bring 44:10
ج ي ا|CYEجئناCÙNEci'nāgetireceğizWe will bring1x
ج ي ا|CYE جئنا CÙNE ci'nā getirdiğimiz We bring 4:41
ج ي ا|CYE جئنا CÙNE ci'nā biz gelmedik we came 12:73
ج ي ا|CYE جئنا CÙNE ci'nā getireceğiz We will bring 17:104
ج ي ا|CYE جئنا CÙNE ci'nā getirsek bile We brought 18:109
ا ت ي|ETYفلنأتينكFLNÊTYNKfelene'tiyennekebiz de mutlaka sana getireceğizThen we will surely produce for you1x
ا ت ي|ETY فلنأتينك FLNÊTYNK felene'tiyenneke biz de mutlaka sana getireceğiz Then we will surely produce for you 20:58
ا ت ي|ETYلتأتننيLTÊTNNYlete'tunnenībana getireceğinizethat surely you will bring him to me1x
ا ت ي|ETY لتأتنني LTÊTNNY lete'tunnenī bana getireceğinize that surely you will bring him to me 12:66
ب ع ث|BAS̃نبعثNBAS̃neb'ǎṧugetireceğimizWe will resurrect1x
ب ع ث|BAS̃ نبعث NBAS̃ neb'ǎṧu getirdiğimiz We will resurrect 16:84
ب ع ث|BAS̃ نبعث NBAS̃ neb'ǎṧu getireceğimiz We will resurrect 16:89
ب ع ث|BAS̃ نبعث NBAS̃ neb'ǎṧe göndermedikçe We have sent 17:15
ج ي ا|CYEوجئناVCÙNEve ci'nāgetireceğizAnd We (will) bring1x
ج ي ا|CYE وجئنا VCÙNE ve ci'nā ve getirdiğimizde and We bring 4:41
ج ي ا|CYE وجئنا VCÙNE ve ci'nā ve geldik and we have come 12:88
ج ي ا|CYE وجئنا VCÙNE ve ci'nā getireceğiz And We (will) bring 16:89

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