Herhangi bir yerinde "فجاء" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ج ي ا|CYEفجاءFCEÙfe cā'eve getirdiand came1x
ج ي ا|CYE فجاء FCEÙ fe cā'e ve getirdi and came 51:26
ج ي ا|CYEفجاءتهFCEÙTHfecā'ethuderken ona geldiThen came to him1x
ج ي ا|CYE فجاءته FCEÙTH fecā'ethu derken ona geldi Then came to him 28:25
ج ي ا|CYEفجاءهاFCEÙHEfe cā'ehāonlara geliverdiand came to it1x
ج ي ا|CYE فجاءها FCEÙHE fe cā'ehā onlara geliverdi and came to it 7:4
ج ي ا|CYEفجاءوهمFCEÙVHMfe cā'ūhumgetirdilerand they came to them2x
ج ي ا|CYE فجاءوهم FCEÙVHM fe cā'ūhum getirdiler and they came to them 10:74
ج ي ا|CYE فجاءوهم FCEÙVHM fe cā'ūhum onlara geldiler and they came to them 30:47

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