Herhangi bir yerinde "isterlerse" geçen ifadeler tarandı:

Kök Arapça Transcript Okunuş Türkçe İngilizce Pos
ر و د|RVD̃أراداÊRED̃Eerādāisterlersethey both desire1x
ر و د|RVD̃ أرادا ÊRED̃E erādā isterlerse they both desire 2:233
ر و د|RVD̃أرادواÊRED̃VEerādūisterlersethey wish1x
ر و د|RVD̃ أرادوا ÊRED̃VE erādū isterlerse they wish 2:228
ر و د|RVD̃ أرادوا ÊRED̃VE erādū isteselerdi they had wished 9:46
ر و د|RVD̃ أرادوا ÊRED̃VE erādū istedikleri they want 22:22
ر و د|RVD̃ أرادوا ÊRED̃VE erādū istediklerinde they wish 32:20
ن ص ر|NṦRاستنصروكمESTNṦRVKMstenSarūkumyardım isterlersethey seek your help1x
ن ص ر|NṦR استنصروكم ESTNṦRVKM stenSarūkum yardım isterlerse they seek your help 8:72
ا ذ ن|EZ̃NفاستأذنوكFESTÊZ̃NVKfeste'ƶenūkesenden izin isterlerseand they ask you permission1x
ا ذ ن|EZ̃N فاستأذنوك FESTÊZ̃NVK feste'ƶenūke senden izin isterlerse and they ask you permission 9:83
ل ق ي|LGYوألقواVÊLGVEve elḳavve isterlerseand offer1x
ل ق ي|LGY وألقوا VÊLGVE ve elḳav ve isterlerse and offer 4:90
ل ق ي|LGY وألقوا VÊLGVE ve elḳav ve olurlar And they (will) offer 16:87
ر و د|RVD̃يريداYRYD̃Eyurīdāisterlersethey both wish1x
ر و د|RVD̃ يريدا YRYD̃E yurīdā isterlerse they both wish 4:35
ر و د|RVD̃يريدواYRYD̃VEyurīdūisterlersethey intend2x
ر و د|RVD̃ يريدوا YRYD̃VE yurīdū isterlerse they intend 8:62
ر و د|RVD̃ يريدوا YRYD̃VE yurīdū isterlerse they intend 8:71
ع ت ب|ATBيستعتبواYSTATBVEyesteǎ'tibūaffedilmek isterlersethey ask for favor,1x
ع ت ب|ATB يستعتبوا YSTATBVE yesteǎ'tibū affedilmek isterlerse they ask for favor, 41:24

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